
...a web component

The following is a web component, a custom HTML element, which the current version of HTML allows for. This allows for greater encapsulation in web development. This web component displays a graph with a background color, and Javascript-specified vertices and edges. To use it, include

  1. dynamic-graph.bundle.min.js
  2. fourd.wasm
in the same directory on your web server. The API should be familiar to anyone who's seen my other projects:
  • int add_vertex({cube: {size: 10, color: 'black'}}) creates a vertex and returns its id.
  • void remove_vertex(vertex_id) removes a vertex
  • int add_edge(source_vertex_id, target_vertex_id, {color: 'white'}) creates an edge between source and target, and returns its id
  • void remove_vertex(edge_id) removes an edge

Open your browser's developer console to see vertex ids